2019 September Chapter Meeting

2019 September Chapter Meeting

Polka Dot Powerhouse is an amazing, totally unique "Connection Company!”  It is our mission to connect the world’s most positive, action-forward, amazing women to build lifelong friendships and business relationships.

 We are so excited to have Katrina Sawa as our speaker this month.  Her topic is “A proven 6-Step follow-up system for consistent cash flow.”  Katrina Sawa is known as The JumpStart Your Biz Coach because she literally kicks her clients and their businesses into high gear.  Katrina is the author of Love Yourself Successful, Jumpstart Your New Business Now and the creator of the JumpStart Your Marketing® System. She enjoys inspiring, motivating and educating entrepreneurs, speakers and professionals to move faster and more affordably towards your ultimate revenue and professional goals using online and offline relationship marketing strategies, leveraged business models and ongoing accountability. Katrina is an energetic, tell-it-like-it-is speaker and award-winning coach who has been featured on the Oprah and Friends XMRadioNetwork, ABC and TheCW.  She’s a featured contributor to the Women Speakers Association, Women’s Coaching Association, Women’s Prosperity Network, Polka Dot Powerhouse and the Public Speakers Association of which she was awarded the National Collaborator of the Year Award in 2016. With 30 years’ experience in sales, business and marketing Katrina speaks to groups of all sizes and works with dozens of different kinds of industries and businesses. Katrina has been a huge networker ever since she founded her business in 2002. Consistent networking, follow up and proven offline and online marketing strategies are the primary reasons Katrina has been so consistently successful and what she teaches her clients to do as well. She lives in Northern California with her husband Jason, step-daughter Riley and their German Shepherd Willow. She loves wine tasting, gardening, cooking and entertaining. You can find out more about Katrina and her Free Trainings at www.JumpstartYourMarketing.com. 

Seating is limited, only those who register are confirmed a seat.  Purchase your own meal and drink.  Come 15 minutes early to mingle before the celebration.  We hope to see you there!

Meeting Details

Meeting Start Date/Time 09-18-2019 11:30 am
Meeting End Date/Time 09-18-2019 1:30 pm
Capacity 30
Registered 21
Remaining Seats Available 9
Location Mazatlan-Bonney Lake, WA

We are no longer accepting registration for this meeting